What We Do
OCVLC provides free legal representation to crime victims to help them assert their rights within a criminal case. We provide this service to all Oregon counties. We provide services regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, religion, class, ethnicity, age, income, or immigration status.
Victims' Rights - We provide legal representation to crime victims to help assert a victim's legal rights within a criminal case throughout Oregon where a victim's rights have been violated.
Protection Orders - On a limited basis we provide legal representation to victims of domestic and sexual violence, elder abuse, and stalking with protective orders such as: Family Abuse Prevention Act, Sexual Abuse Protective Order, Stalking Protective Order, Elderly Persons or Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act.
Social Support Services - We provide safety planning, informational support, assistance applying for Crime Victim Compensation and the Address Confidentiality Program, advocate accompaniment to report a crime or to go to court, help requesting police reports, and referrals to other agencies for issues outside the scope of services provided by OCVLC.
Training and Outreach – Our staff conducts trainings and educational presentations regarding crime victims' rights to the public, agencies, and organizations whose advocates and employees interact with crime victims.
Contact us at 503-208-8160 or at [email protected] to discuss whether you are eligible for services.
Victims' Rights - We provide legal representation to crime victims to help assert a victim's legal rights within a criminal case throughout Oregon where a victim's rights have been violated.
Protection Orders - On a limited basis we provide legal representation to victims of domestic and sexual violence, elder abuse, and stalking with protective orders such as: Family Abuse Prevention Act, Sexual Abuse Protective Order, Stalking Protective Order, Elderly Persons or Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act.
Social Support Services - We provide safety planning, informational support, assistance applying for Crime Victim Compensation and the Address Confidentiality Program, advocate accompaniment to report a crime or to go to court, help requesting police reports, and referrals to other agencies for issues outside the scope of services provided by OCVLC.
Training and Outreach – Our staff conducts trainings and educational presentations regarding crime victims' rights to the public, agencies, and organizations whose advocates and employees interact with crime victims.
Contact us at 503-208-8160 or at [email protected] to discuss whether you are eligible for services.