The Oregon Crime Victims Law Center successfully represented the family of murder victim Eddie Gibbs at a hearing before the Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision on July 16, 2013. Gibbs was 20 years old at the time he was murdered in 1987 by Kevin Roper and Scott Wickee. Wickee and Roper pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and received sentences of life in prison.
After hearing from Roper, a supporter of Roper, a Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney, OCVLC Legal Director Rosemary Brewer, and family members of Eddie Gibbs, the Board decided to defer Roper's release date for two years. He has a potential release date of February 14, 2016. Two members of the Board found that Roper has a present severe emotional disturbance that makes him a danger to the safety of the community, while one Board member was in favor of Roper's release. The family of Eddie Gibbs asked the Board to defer Roper's release for as long as possible, arguing that he is still a danger to the community and that they themselves feel they would not be safe were he to be released. OCVLC's Legal Director, Ms. Brewer, spoke on behalf of Dennis Doern, brother in law to Eddie Gibbs. The hearing for Scott Wickee was a continuation of the release hearing that was held in January of 2012. The Board has not reached a decision in that matter. Related News |
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