OCVLC Legal Director Rosemary Brewer represented the family of Duncan and Ellen McKinnon at inmate Andrew Metz's murder review hearing before the Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision on July 11 at the Oregon State Penitentiary. The only issue for review at the hearing is whether the inmate is capable of rehabilitation within a reasonable amount of time. The inmate has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that he is capable of rehabilitation.
Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon were murdered by Metz in September, 1991, while vacationing with their daughter in Seaside. As the McKinnons slept in their hotel, Metz entered their room through an open window and viciously stabbed the couple to death. Their daughter, who was staying across the hall, heard the commotion and came out of her room, encountering Metz as he exited her parents' room. Metz had blood on his face and ran down the hallway. The McKinnons' daughter went into the room and found her mother dead, and her father dying. Mr. McKinnon, who was 72 years old, died as he was being transported to a Portland hospital. Mrs. McKinnon was 68. Metz had stolen jewelry and a wallet from the McKinnons. The OCVLC submitted a memo to the Board prior to the hearing arguing that Metz had not shown he was capable of rehabilitation and asking the Board to defer Metz's next hearing for a period of ten years. At the hearing, Brewer read the statements of the McKinnons' daughter as well as their grandchildren. The McKinnons' son Michael presented a statement, as did Clatsop County District Attorney Joshua Marquis, who prosecuted Metz for the murders. Senator Elizabeth Johnson (D-Scappoose) also attended the hearing. The Board is deliberating and will release its decision within the next few weeks. Related News Article Comments are closed.
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