This quarter's newsletter features reflections on the change in Oregon law to require unanimous jury verdicts, postconviction rights of victims, introducing Sydney Trimble, the newest OCVLC attorney, and a thank you to those who joined OCVLC in honoring the 2021 Hardy Myers Victim Advocacy Award, Meg Garvin.
This quarter's newsletter features reflections on OCVLC's work in 2020 along with considerations when working with child victims, information about child abuse investigations, and advocacy resources for child victims and their families. Save the date for our annual Hardy Myers Fundraiser, this year taking place remotely in April!
Learn more about OCVLC's work during the COVID-19 pandemic and meet our new team members!
In this newsletter, The COVID-19 outbreak is discussed as it relates to law enforcement, advocacy and the courts. Additionally, learn how you can honor crime victims during Crime Victims' Rights Week 2020 and OCVLC is hiring!
January is National Stalking Awareness Month. In this quarter's newsletter we discuss changes in the Sexual Abuse Prevention Act restraining order statutes, news laws in effect in 2020, safety planning for stalking victims, and highlight some of the cases OCVLC attorney's have been working on.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this quarter's newsletter we discuss changes in the Family Abuse Prevention Act restraining order statutes, how to report elder abuse, adverse childhood experiences, and highlight different domestic violence resources throughout the state. Also, meet OCVLC's new victim advocate - Taylor Kilkenny.
"The Board of Directors of the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center is delighted to announce the election of Erin Greenawald as its new President. Ms. Greenawald, formerly of the Department of Justice and who now owns her own law practice in Portland, takes over for Steve Doell. Mr. Doell, who co-founded OCVLC ten years ago and has served as its President for the last five years, will remain on the Board as President Emeritus. The Board thanks Mr. Doell for his invaluable contributions to OCVLC. OCVLC (<>) is a 501c3 nonprofit providing crime victim advocacy and free legal representation to victims of crime and domestic abuse statewide from its offices in Portland and Bend."
This newsletter we reflect on the annual dinner, discuss tips for trauma informed interviewing, highlight legislative bills that could affect crime victims, and changes to UTCR 3.180 changing the discretion Judges have when allowing electronic recordings in sex crime cases.
Thank you to everyone who made OCVLC Second Annual Hardy Myers Dinner and ten year celebration successful. More than 200 guests helped the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center celebrate ten years of providing legal representation and advocacy to victims throughout the state. Thank you for your support and donations. We are grateful that we have so many amazing supporters who care about the work we do. Please enjoy the photos from our event. Photography by Emily La Brecque. In 2019 the Oregon Crime Victims Law Center is celebrating ten years of advocating for and representing victims of crime throughout the state of Oregon! Since opening in 2009, OCVLC attorneys and advocates have assisted more than 1,100 crime victims in Oregon. In 2018 we assisted more than 275 victims. Read our newsletter to look back at 2018 highlights, learn about working with minor victims, Stalking Protective Orders, survivor privacy when voting, and this year's recipient for the Hardy Myers Victim Advocacy Award!
OCVLC has had a busy summer, our Central Oregon office is open and serving crime victims, we have announced the date for the Second Annual Hardy Myers Dinner and Attorney Brett Cattani has joined the OCVLC team. Read our Fall newsletter to learn more about what OCVLC has been up too these past few summer months.
OCVLC is excited to announce our new Bend office is now open! Senior Staff Attorney Melanie Kebler has relocated to Bend and will be serving crime victims in Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties. Melanie is excited to expand OCVLC's presence into Central Oregon and to serve crime victims there by providing free legal assistance to victims seeking to assert, enforce, and remedy violations of their crime victims' rights. The phone number for our Bend office is 541-323-3392.
Our Spring newsletter is here. Inside you will find exciting news about OCVLC First Annual Hardy Myers Dinner, a summary of State v. Ball, and an introduction to our new Victim Advocate, Roshelle Cleland.
Thank you to everyone who made OCVLC First Annual Hardy Myers Dinner successful. Thank you for your support and donations. We are grateful that we have so many amazing supporters who care about the work we do. Please enjoy the photos from our event. Photography by Jacob Denbrook. |
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