In this newsletter: Learn about Advocacy options in Washington County, our reflections on Advocacy during the Pandemic, info on the New Day Program in Multnomah County, and as always, this quarter's case summaries.
Inside this quarter’s newsletter you’ll find more on our new staff members, photos from the Hardy Myers Dinner, information about the Oregon Bias Response Hotline, and an update on recent cases we’ve been working on.
Learn what we are talking about when we talk about clemency, information on human trafficking, and OCVLC's most recent work. Meet Rachel Kennel, new OCVLC staff attorney. Join us for the Fourth Annual Hardy Myers Dinner, honoring Johanna Costa, 2022 Hardy Myers Victim Advocacy Award recipient. Ticket purchase information included.
Access to Justice for Undocumented Crime Victims written materials available below.
The Scenarios on pages 2 and 3 provide the framework for the presentations. Attendees are encouraged to review the scenarios prior to the start of the CLE. Learn about common ethical issues in working with crime victims, OCVLC's most recent work, National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims, registration details for the Access to Justice for Undocumented Crime Victims CLE, and Sept. is Self-care Awareness Month. Meet Molly Bineham, new OCVLC Victim Advocate.
This quarter's newsletter features reflections on the change in Oregon law to require unanimous jury verdicts, postconviction rights of victims, introducing Sydney Trimble, the newest OCVLC attorney, and a thank you to those who joined OCVLC in honoring the 2021 Hardy Myers Victim Advocacy Award, Meg Garvin.
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